Sunday, July 3

Collected Haiku #52


fish on line must think
"this is kind of exciting!
wait, why can't I breathe?"


if I miss the feel
of your electrified skin
what will insulate?


starry-eyed poets
are only the messengers
from the realm of dreams


holding thesaurus
beholding swaying ceiling
creation unfolds


what if I'm enthralled
by a tricksy forest fae
one midsummer night?


when you write haiku
about ninja, be wary
of shadows--urk...*dead*


we reflect mirrors
which is consciousness is which
mirrors reflect we


beware arrogance
all individuals end
as submissive souls


all stories begin
with mere expectation of
a proper ending



  1. Nice. I especially like your fish haiku. :)

  2. You have such a power with this form! Me, I ramble on the best of days, so trying to say what I want to say in so few syllables can drive me bonkers. Occasionally I can pull it off, but you, dear poet, are a master :) Hope you enjoyed the holiday!

  3. a Haiku king, beautiful job.

  4. Invite you to write for week 5 challenge,
    Hope all is well.
    Thanks for the attention.
    Appreciate your input.
