Thursday, June 2

Collected Haiku #38


two year old camel
sticks her head under pillow
when I vacuum rugs


mutual follows
low brow, high brow, unibrow
poets not picky


who wouldn't prefer
a happy bucket haiku
over other spam


your avatar should
shave: ladies dislike stubble
oh wait, they dig fame


many wonderful
people in the world, a shame
not everyone is


seen a quadracorn?
four times the horn action, each
for north, south, east, west


octacorns need eight
for space: up, down, and forward
backward time travel


if aliens look
like unicorns then every
little girl will freak


complex machine in
alternate reality:
kid booger cleaner


1 comment:

  1. Wow alot going on here
    Time Travel and aliens deserve a cheer
    But unicorns I doubt they'll be
    If one day we ever do see

    Yep take the happy bucket haiku
    And all the rest from you
    Yes it's a shame
    That some people are rather lame
    That's keeping it nice
    Today I'll forgo the spice
    Over spam any day
    Enjoyed the read today

    With a solar flare
    sending you back in time:
    Your hands hold history
