Saturday, May 28

Collected Haiku #36


first officer on starship
destiny, engage!


wonder if I could write a
haiku on topic


howdy from heaven
clouds and harps are tedious
wait, is this right place?


scarred aluminum
languishing elevator
dregs of lifeless dreams


notice the moon man
explores craters for sweetheart
where did I find you?


from space we look like
spheres attached to mobile lines
two dimensional


attempted to look
for happiness within me
eyeballs won't swivel


would you stop poking
me with a stick, please, it hurts
and I love you all 


flower petal rain
in honey mist hurricane
when joy feels the same


1 comment:

  1. Love these... so much to take in !

    best for us was...

    attempted to look
    for happiness within me
    eyeballs won't swivel

