Wednesday, April 27

Collected Haiku #18


smile electric?
poems that brainwash to stick
finger in socket


if I scratch my head
with everything you do, I'd
dig hole to china


jedi care not for
glory; interconnections
extant rather know


you love every ship
on the ocean, I love you
as the deepest trench


e e cummings speaks
to your heart when he is dead
and I'm wordless here


purple tenderness
from a diminutive frame
a smirk, wind scampers


your face painted is
sensual as a sunset
wonderful fiction


easter teaches us
every day we are reborn
to a precious world


when the world freezes
as I reach my winter years
your snowflake hand melts



  1. Loved this. To discover someone else who makes reference to e e cummings is a blessing not to be over estimated.

  2. Love your poem. Thanks for visiting my blog.
